Monday, February 3, 2014

7 Stages Of Your Life After Parting. Part 1.

Left without a girl, and abide in the mixed feelings? Here is the plan how to restore your working capacity.
Science has counted 7 steps, breaking which you can get back to your normal condition.

1. Shock. The fact of the break, as well as any other stress, stimulates the body to develop an excessive amount of adrenaline - this reaction went from our ancestors, in case you need to escape from the terrible predator. But you will not run, sit at home and wipes snot: energy doesn't find exit and because of this you have headache and the constant feeling of anxiety.

2. Unhealthy attraction. You currently do not find a place, you want to call her, start all over again ... "It's the dopamine - your brain attached to her as much as you and requires a dose of this new "drug", which is released at the sight of your beloved. It will take a time to body "adjusted" hormone levels under your new life. But for now you're overexcited and therefore panicking.

3. Despondency. After the peak of adrenaline you feel depressed. Your broken heart does not work as actively as it should, hence the low blood pressure and fatigue.  

4. WEAKNESS. As soon as your brain will adjust the normal flow of dopamine (and it will take at least three days), it will go into protection mode. Your immune system is weakened - try not to catch a snotty flu.

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