Monday, October 28, 2013

One more time about scam

Scam is that thing which can spoil your staying on dating site and your impression from online dating in general. How to understand that girl that you like is fake? Of course some dating sites like RomanceCompass, as I've told you, don't allow scammers to make their "dark" business, but anyway you should know some simple things to be protected from scammers.
1. Don't hurry up!  Your acquaintance should be leisurely and careful. Don't jump into the love without looking back.
2. Ask her personal questions as more as you can. Ask her about her life, her hobbies, free time, family, goals in the nearest futures etc. Real girl, who really wants to find a love and create a family, will answer all your questions with a great pleasure and ask you many questions too. Real girl is really interested in you. You will feel it, it's for sure.
3. Real girl should remember the most important things which you've wrote each other. Check her, but not so obviously.  If she will see that you don't trust her completely, it's also not so good.
4. Use Live Video chat to be certain that you communicate with the girl, photos and letters of whom you like so much.
5. Buy her personal information. It's not expensive but you can see her reaction on your call and understand if she knows with whom she speaks. If she calls your name she communicates only with you and she is really serious.
It's just my experience but I advice you to consider all this things. I hope they will be very helpful for you, my friend!

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